Fast News

marzo 27, 2018

Our project in details: targets and benefits

We have already talked about the technical possibilities of the FAST-TRACKS radio, you can read about them in this post. Let’s see now how FAST-TRACKS can impact on different  targets, giving several benefits to each of them. As a premise, we remember that our solution is not a “general purpose” one, meaning that FAST-TRACKS is specifically […]

Around the project
febbraio 20, 2018

Fast-Tracks at Mobile World Congress

Back from Barcelona, ​​from the 2018 edition of the Mobile World Congress, we had the feeling that the project is taking shape and taking off. Many meetings, faces, exchanges of opinion with professionals from all over the world, and lots of enthusiasm for a project that can make a difference in the quality of life […]

febbraio 19, 2018

Fast-Tracks: an introduction to our project

In the first months of 2017, Comesvil defeated the competition of the European SME Instrument Fase 2 “Small Business Innovation for Transport and Smart Cities Mobility” competition, and had access to 1.7 million European Commission funds for the R & D project “FAST-TRACKS”.

Around the project
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